5 시즌
104 삽화
4 - 1
AMAZING Astonishing Dragon Slave!?
4 - 2
Because - You're Lina Inverse, That's Why!
4 - 3
CHASE Never ending pursuit
4 - 4
DRIFTER Chasing or being chased
4 - 5
ETERNAL The Forest that has Slept from the Ancient Time
4 - 6
FALL ON Peculiar Festival! Unusual Festival? Lift that ball up!
4 - 7
GORGEOUS The Luxury Yacht is the Target!?
4 - 8
HURRY UP Interfere! What, don't interfere?
4 - 9
INSIDER He who knows the real Truth!
4 - 10
JUDGEMENT The silver one resurrects!
4 - 11
KEEP OUT the approaching Demon!
4 - 12
LEGACY The decisive battle for Seyruun!
4 - 13
MISTY The downward swinging sword!